Spelniajac prosbe - oto zdjecia z mojego apato (アパト). Jak na warunki japonskie to mam OLBRZYMIE mieszkanie:-) Jak na europejskie to mala kawalerka... Mimo wszystko bardzo fajnie jest i szybko sie do niego przyzwyczailem.
The entrance to my place as seen from the interior (thus actually being the exit:)
A left peek near the door - the wardrobe.
I don't know exaclty but this device allows me to control the water temperature and other things I am still not sure about. I stopped playing with it after I've accidentaly turned off the water in all taps XD
The toilet and bathroom. On the right the door to my closet which I use as a wardrobe.

The toilet and it's navifatoion computer. I don't know exactly what all the functions are - but you can have a heated seat and use water as a mean of cleaning. I haven't checked the other functions - I don't know (yest).
My room - the left door leads to the entrance, the right one is a wardrobe. And yes I have a TV, and yes I watch TV (thought with little understanding :-)
Kitchen with a look inside of my full fridge (normally it's empty but I made some shopping for the sole purpose of taking this shot :o) The oven is a gas one with an auto fuse (nice thing)
My rrom with a view on my bed and desk. You can also peek through 2 out of my 3 windows. The 3rd window is directed on the next building's wall so it's not that interesting. The distance beetween the 2 buildings is about 1,5m so is I strach my arm I can touch it. There is no radiator, cause there is no need for one. The AC can be used as a heater in case it'll get cold outside.